WelComE to OuR WoRLD

we wanted to share our life's experiences
to our friends and families in our simple ways... keeping you updated with
what's happening with our day to day lives, its ups and downs, moods and
happenings... wishing to stay in touch with you all wherever we may be... bits and pieces of our days...

Friday, September 19, 2008


September 18, 2008
I have learned that I passed the NCLEX RN Licensure Exam
here in Texas!!!!!!!!!!! That makes me an official Registered Nurse!!!
Last August 06, 2008 I took the exam...
The computer died at 75 items...
I was pretty sure that I had no clue with most of
the questions I have answered from the exam, and with that
I never expected to pass the test..
They said you can find out the result online or by phone
after 2 days of taking the test with a minimal fee...
Knowing that i failed, i never bothered to call or surf it online...
I have been waiting for the test results be mailed to me for free..
for a month long of wait, no mail came...
I want to stop the agony of waiting so I did paid the minimal fee
of $7.95.... and to my surprise!!!
I have been sulking for a month for a reason that is not true!!!!
Miracles can move mountains!!!!!!!!!
Thank GOD!! I pass the test!
Im a RN now! yippppppeeeeeeeeeee!!!!