butterflies in my stomach whenever i hear his name... the kilig factor of mobile alerts from yahoo messenger... the constant staring of my mobile fone screen waiting for his calls and texts... the pile of prepaid globe cards in my wallet... the bumpy red marks on my bum for long hours of chat in cafe's (before when i dont have smart bro at home yet... :))having signs and symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome for long typing hours... the sweet lasting euphoria after long sessions of chats, reading looooong "novel" emails, opening adorable fun e-cards... the much awaited snail mails, cards, flowers, and packages even if you already know what's in it, still, it feels like you're going to be surprised with whatever is sent, just by knowing the mere fact that its from him :))...oh yeah and offline messages too.... never felt that the day starts right without it, he got me so used to it... so sweeet...

absence they said makes the heart grow wonder... LoL... yeah but there's also this saying that says it makes it grow fonder! hay naku! syempre, it goes fonder! the absence for me made me miss him more... its addictive... i just want him to be there whenever i crave for him... (as in crave... like craving for a good bar of candy!! its like i need my sugar rush!! hehehehehe) sometimes i even find myself staring at the yahoo screen, waiting for that sooo familiar sound - 'ding' whenever someone gets online...those bold letters in my contact list are under my watchlist and was sooo abused!... never a glimpse should i let that pass... it was crazy, never imagined it can be soooo sooooo addictive!! addictive, but ive only felt that for him... i hate people disturbing me whenever i talk to him... like every minute is so precious, para akong "gaga" di makausap pag sya na ka chat ko! sobra!
there was this time in our relationship when he's nowhere to be reached...a few months with just hi and hello's.... was busy at the hospital, he was busy with work... (til he explained things lately... the full story why he was out of post! hmp!) and then after a year of talking and "dating online" i said i wanted to let go na... coz i feel that he doesnt have time for me anymore... and that i have to move on.. ( ang lola mo nagdrama!! i cant just wait for him online all the time and all i see is his id in BOLD but not talking to me... and all the reasons blah blah blah...-->> which is later on in our relationship he made me understand...) then that time, that was around february 2006!!! he changed, like a 360 degree turn around! i cant believed it!... i was the one trying to run away now and he's the one chasing me... humaba ang hair ko!!hahahahaha... [so i guess guys sometimes need this one time big time knocked on their head to make them realized that they're about to lose something so special... hehehehehe] so going back, he gave me so much time, attention, longer emails, calls, voice chats, and all that you can think of! guess he loves me too :)) march of that year he started planning of coming over for our engagement! wow! yes!!!! finally he's coming over!!! (the detailed story on next blog regarding our first meeting in person... can feel butterflies again... kilig naman me..)
in short, we've fallen deeply inlove... we've wanted more than just chatmates or "online daters", and made the real dating a reality... from then on.... we were lovers... we were in a relationship... a relationship that me myself and him dont believe existed...but we are in it... and it's so real...
then i asked him why fly so far when he can just have an easy relationship back home...
and he said... "i never had a hard time being with someone back home, this one you've given me is different... and i wont fly half across the world just to have fun, have sex, or have a one heck of a good time, because im not rich to do all that, and i cant afford it... but ive fallen in love with you so much, that i can never think of myself being with anybody else... but you..." aaaaaaawwwwwe....shoot meeeeeeeeeee.... id be dropped dead by now! harharhar!!! was so high!!!! ooooh yeahh!!! hell yeah!!! higher than the feeling of passing the PT Board Exams last 2001... now i know how it feels like being a GURL... lol...of course im a girl, HAhAHA.... i mean a girly girl with the prince charming and all that stuff....
- - xoxo - -
May 20, 2006 Saturday morning - PAL Terminal 2!!! wow! he came just to give me this ring... a 1.5 karat princess cut 3 stoned with baggets KAY (every kiss begins with KAY!!! hahahaha so true!!) diamond ring!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!....
to be continued....