My very pogi hubby said after taking a look at this site, (he liked it!! it's supposed to be a surprise bday gift for him, but he was able to read it after a few days from his birthdate!!!),
suggested to write down some funny guests thatwe had in our wedding day...
We thought of having the wedding at quezon cityhall 'coz it's where all civil weddings are done (i thought so...) but they said that the minister can marry in the resto near the qc hall...
so max's was our first choice...
going to our guest list!!!!!
we only invited a few important people to witness our wedding,,, we never really planned of having all the family and friends(im really sorry) there coz we think that it will be a big chaos if we do... so to make it not complicated and not spending so much of our wedding "special" day time entertaining people, we only invited 10 persons!! and yeah, its cheaper that way...we have to stick to the budget! (the ripper minister ruined our budget! geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez)
Lisa - the cousin who knows everything about me and whitie
Bryan - another cousin who happened to be the unexpected ninong!!
Mrs. Liban - my ever rich and chikadora niang-Landlady
Mrs. Liban - my ever rich and chikadora niang-Landlady
Mr. Liban - the attorney who hooked us up with the minister (hubby of mrs. liban!)
the chaufer of mr and mrs liban- cant remember the name
Ronald- my ever loyal friend who never showed up saying he got stucked at work!
the minster - mr. ripper himself
the spy! - one of our ninang's and adam call her the spy!
and the husband and wife (us...) made it 10 people!
the unexpected guests:
the photographer - who showed up but sadly we have our own cameras so we declined... so he left.. he was in connected with the minister (he was the earliest to come)
the toothess guy - he tagged along with the minister, shook my baby's hand, smiled, ate and left!
this is lisa and bryan! we're harassing them to fill out affidavits saying they attended our wedding.. hahahaha...
they were the early birds!! came ontime..kudos!
they were the early birds!! came ontime..kudos!
(they were even hesitant to attend saying that they dont have a gift for us,
hehehe... we said we never asked for a gift.. all we need is their presence)

this is Mr. and Mrs. Liban! our principal sponsors who helped us schedule our wedding day, and helped us with the papers in the city hall.. (the parents of the known quezon city councilor Bong Liban! - is that necessary?? hahahha...) anyways...
this is tita hearty! we call her the spy... she's not supposed to be on our list but because of insistent auntie demand!!!! we had her as one of the sponsors!! that makes 3 (which is odd number.. they said its not good to have odd numbered sponsor! so that's where bryan fits in and sign for the rescue!! my cousin ninong!!) she's the best friend of my aunt... which happened to be in taiwan and can't attend the wedding so she insisted her sparring partner be there!!! so there she was... the spy who asked a lot of personal info from my hubby when i went to the restroom (conveniently)... when i got back.. my hubby was on a Hot seat! hahahahha.. at first she was sitting on the corner chair which is oppositely far from where my hubby's seated... when i got back, olah!!! she is in front of him doing the Boy Abunda show! was funny... my aunt admitted that she sent her to ask things and aunt also said after the wedding that her spy called her and told her what happened to the wedding!!! so... that's our ninang spy!!! way to go ever loyal bestfriend of my aunt!!

in front of my hubby is the minister... we never really had a good picture of him in the digi cam but we had in the 135mm camera... and can you see the oddest guest of honor there???? at the very corner is a thin, gray haired toothless guy who came with the minister! (the minister's secretary whatever!) who shook my hubby's hand, never introduced himself, seated beside him...ate, and left without saying a word... my hubby was so surprised, asking me in private (baby who is that toothless guy???) hahahahhaha...really have no clue... im sorry babe.... dont know him either... and the guy wearing white t-shirt infront is the chaufer....
the unexpected ninong!!!! i was pointing a sharp object on his back so he can sign the marriage papers... hahahhaha.... (kidding)