WelComE to OuR WoRLD

we wanted to share our life's experiences
to our friends and families in our simple ways... keeping you updated with
what's happening with our day to day lives, its ups and downs, moods and
happenings... wishing to stay in touch with you all wherever we may be... bits and pieces of our days...

Friday, March 20, 2009

Tintin's Texas Trip - February 2009

Tintin's trip to SAN ANTONIO, Texas 2009
day 1: river walk and famous alamo...
day 2: natural bridge caverns, shooting range and RODEO!

trying to go places in just 3 days and 2 nights isn't enough to
cover everything... taking pictures as much as you can... making memories
that will last for a lifetime and share with love ones back home... wishing
that they are all here to see and have fun as much as you are... but just pictures,
videos, and stories to tell...
catching up with a long time friend... isn't that great?!
beware of Tintin at the Shooting Range though... she gets clumsy with that
gun... oh my oh my... made our nerves racked! hey Tin... you better practice
with full body armour to be safe next time.. "wink" "wink"

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